American corporate media bias and Bernie Sanders
Why American corporate media ignoring Bernie Sanders?

Since the
rise of Bernie Sanders as a leading democratic socialist leader in U.S- the
American corporate media has adopted a strategy to black out and ignore him.
They only mention Bernie when there is a bad news. They did it during the last
primaries in 2016 when Bernie posed a serious challenge to the darling of
Democratic establishment Hillary Clinton. The corporate media is doing it again.
For American
right wing and liberal corporate media – the real news from New Hampshire was not
the win of Bernie Sanders but the rise of third placed Amy Klobuchar. The
reason is that corporate media hates left ideas and Bernie Sanders is making
democratic socialism popular in US. So for the corporate media-his victory in a
primary is not big news. First they promoted the former vice president Joe
Biden when he lost his charm with Democratic voters-the media choose Pete
Buttigieg and now Amy.
The media
don’t want us to know that Bernie Sanders is the most popular democratic
candidate at the moment. His radical left wing and anti- corporate ideas are
not popular with corporate media. So they use every opportunity to tarnish his
corporate media continue to attack Bernie for his radical pro-working class
ideas. The right wing corporate media don’t want to hear about healthcare for
all. Cancelation of student debts- increase in corporate taxes- more money for
social security and welfare programs- cuts on defence spending and end to wars-
$15 per hour minimum wage and policies to encourage unionization and collective
bargaining. The problem is that Bernie Sanders stands for all of this.
He represents
the interests of American working class and middle class people. The other
leading candidates represent the interests of different sections of ruling
class and corporate America.
The corporate
media only wants to hear that everything is perfect with capitalism and
neoliberal free market economic policies. For them capitalism is the only
reality and viable economic system. The corporate media attacks Everyone who expose
the capitalist greed- exploitation and inequality-and advocate socialism as the
alternate to capitalism.
corporate right wing media- Socialism is dead. Socialists are the monsters that
drink the blood of babies. Socialists are tyrants that kill people for fun. They
bring out the old stories of Stalin and Mao massacring millions of people. They
told us tortures- iron certain and one party authoritarian rule.
But they
never tell us that Bernie Sanders is a democratic socialist and believes in
democracy. He never endorsed authoritarian and totalitarian policies and
practices. He is part of democratic structures for nearly 40 years. He wants
more democracy and more rights for the people. He wants to democratise the American
state and economy. He wants a government that works for the 99% instead of 1%
elite. He wants an economy that works for 99% instead of 1%.
He doesn’t
accept money from big corporations and investors. He relied on the small
donations of his working and middle class supporters. He is not the candidate
of big corporations- rich elite and big business. So the corporate media occasionally
attacks him and mostly ignore him.
Incredibly, CNN-
Fox news- Reuters and other media outlets deliberately excluded Bernie Sanders
name in their headlines after the New Hampshire results were announced. They
mention all other candidates for one reason and the other but ignored the
winner of this primary Bernie Sanders. American corporate media unfairly treat
Sanders. Corporate media has clear bias towards Bernie Sanders.
victory was overshadowed by media pundits trying to console themselves as their
favorite narrative of the democratic socialist’s supposed “electability
problem” was dealt a serious blow.
The Vermont
senator has now won the popular vote in both the Iowa caucus and the New
Hampshire primary. Well, you’d barely know it from the headlines or listening
to the pundits on the cable news networks.
Remember all
those commentators who insisted that Hillary Clinton was the real winner
against Donald Trump in 2016, because she won the popular vote? Oops! It looks
like in 2020 we’ve gone back to the popular vote being irrelevant again,
because a socialist candidate is leading the pack. Come on, keep up.
through multiple gaffes and major controversies, the same media has drilled it
into Americans’ heads that former Vice President Joe Biden is the one true “electability
candidate.” Maybe now that Biden placed a calamitous fifth place
and fled the state before the polls had even closed they will finally give up
that “electability” lark?
Immigrants in USA would be in favour of Hillary again as democratic presidential candidate in Nov.,2020.
ReplyDeleteKh. Abid Khurshid